Scholarship Tickets

Prices : 3000 Shards

If you are not familiar with scholarship, it is a system, mainly used outside wax chain, which consist in splitting the earning from P2E games between the NFT owner (He does own the NFTs but actually do not play), and the player (He does not own any NFT but uses the NFTs given to him to play and earn tokens and other NFTs), generally at a rate of 50/50

Scholarship Tickets gives you 1 month of scholarship at a rate of 95/5 as an owner of various WAX game NFTs.

It follows the rule of 1/1/1, 1 tickets for 1 month of Scholarship for 1 Game.

It is actually the best way to earn passive income while most of the tokens and items received on the game will be totally given back to the NFT owners.

Note also that the projects that are available on the scholarship program is also depending on the marketing agreements we’ve made with the game owner and on what the community have decided through governance token

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